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What to Expect

We welcome you to share our true vision of health care at Kerwin Chiropractic & Nutrition.

Your First Visit

Kerwin Chiropractic OfficeWe’ve created a warm environment of healing where we get to know you and what matters to you in your life. We focus on these relationships and continue to build on them over time.

Whether you are here for chiropractic or nutrition on this visit, we will collect and review your health history. We will complete a thorough examination to determine if there is a structural or biochemical dysfunction that impedes your optimal wellness.

Subsequent Visits

We will review and explain our findings, and how we can best help you, from a chiropractic or nutrition approach, or both combined.

Are you ready to get started? Give us a call and let’s set up a time to begin! (207) 839-8181